Ansichten von ehemaligen U.S. Army Barracks in Wuerzburg, Kitzingen Schweinfurt,
die in keiner Touristeninformation zu finden sind!
Views of former U.S. Army barracks in Wuerzburg, Kitzingen Schweinfurt,
which are not to be found in any tourist information!
zwischen 2006 und 2014 verließ die U.S. Army unter anderem Würzburg, Schweinfurt, Kitzingen und Giebelstadt.
Die Fotos zeigen die Kaserne kurz nach dem Verlassen, in Zeiten des Stillstandes und auch nach dem Umbau in z.B. Bezirke, Universitätserweiterungen oder Gewerbegebiete.
between 2006 and 2014, the U.S. Army left Wuerzburg, Schweinfurt, Kitzingen and Giebelstadt, among others.
The photos show the barracks shortly after leaving, in times of stagnation and also after the conversion into e.g. districts, university extensions or industrial areas.
All photos of the barracks were taken with the official permission of the associated institutions!
National Anthem of United States of America
For all fallen soldiers of the war, for all deceased helpers in need, for all people killed by rampages and terrorist attacks, as well as the victims of natural disasters.
Please respect the deceased and the bereaved!
official Hymne
only Band
Band and Chorus
only Chorus
anno 1897
anno 1917
anno 2006
anno 1832
anno 1854
anno 1861
The Anacreontic Song - The basic melody of the national anthem